Saturday, September 14, 2013

iPad Books

I don't know about you but my poor iPad has run out of space :(  Over the years, I've collected free books or bought books on iTunes to start my collection.  I hook up my iPad at my listening center and will play a story for students to listen to and they really enjoy it!  So, over the summer one of my projects was to listen to all my stories and organize them by length.  Last year, I would randomly choose a story for students to listen to and sometimes they would be done is three minutes and sometimes they didn't get to finish the story.  I told myself that I had do come up with some organized system for all this books I had on my iPad.  It took a few days but I downloaded all my books by going into the App Store and clicking on "Purchased".  I then downloaded all the books in alphabetical order, so I could know that I didn't miss any.  This was also a great time for me to delete any books that I didn't like or that didn't read out loud for the students.

This is the spread sheet that I came up with.  I've put a bullet next to the stories that we've listened to and underlined the stories that aren't my favorite but just didn't have the heart to delete yet.  I print this out and update it every so often, when I get a few new books and add them into the list.  I keep this in my data binder along with my center schedule.  I also created lists of all my Language Arts and Math manipulatives to help me organize my centers!!!

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